Essential Tips for Keeping Your Cat Safe This Winter

Can cat’s feel the cold?

Certainly, cats can sense the cold. 

Since they aren’t accustomed to severe weather conditions, they may be susceptible to hypothermia and frostbite. 

It’s advisable to ensure your cat stays warm, especially in the winter months. Special attention is needed for young and elderly cats, as they are more sensitive to the cold compared to healthy adult cats.

If your feline friend enjoys the great outdoors, here are some essential tips to ensure their safety this winter. 

Be cautious with Antifreeze

Exercise caution when handling ethylene glycol, commonly known as antifreeze, as it can be lethal to cats if ingested. 

Cats are drawn to its taste, and antifreeze is frequently found in car radiators, screen washes, and de-icers. 

It’s crucial to store such products securely, promptly clean up spills, and be aware of potential exposure risks, such as in garden ponds. Signs of ingestion include increased urination, vomiting, lethargy, uncoordinated behaviour, seizures, rapid heart rate, and shallow breathing.

Check under your car

During colder temperatures, cats may seek warmth under car bonnets and wheel arches. Before starting your car, tap the bonnet and inspect around the wheels to ensure no cats are hiding there.

Examine your cat’s paws

After outdoor excursions, inspect your cat’s paws for rock salt or chemicals. Wipe them with a damp cloth to prevent ingestion during grooming. 

Check for signs of frostbite, salt irritation, or injuries, especially in long-haired cats prone to snow compacting between their toes.

Provide an indoor litter tray

Offer your cat access to an indoor litter tray in winter, ensuring they have a safe and convenient place for toileting. 

This is crucial for senior cats, those with medical conditions, or disabilities. 

You can find our sustainable litter here, it’s naturally resistant to bacteria due to added Bi-carb. This means it’s no/low odour!

Offer indoor entertainment

As cats may prefer staying indoors in colder weather, keep them entertained with interesting toys and games. Ensure they get enough physical and mental exercise to maintain their health.

Keep your cat warm and dry

Dry off your cat with a towel if they get wet outside. 

Inside, provide warm, draught-free spaces for them to curl up, especially important for older cats or those with medical conditions. Cats less active or with muscle tone/weight loss may struggle to regulate body temperature, so offer various warm and cosy options.

cat in a hat

Provide outdoor shelter

For cats who still enjoy going outdoors, offer outdoor shelters like cat houses or insulated snugs. Access to a safe garden shed with a cat flap is also a good option.

Be cautious around heat sources

Beware of winter hazards like open flames, stoves, hot radiators, and candles. 

Keep these out of reach to prevent accidents, and never leave your cat alone near open flames or candles.

Provide fresh water

Ensure your cat has access to fresh water both indoors and outdoors. 

Regularly clean outdoor bowls to prevent freezing and provide a consistent water source for your cat.

We are driven to help pets live longer, happier and healthier lives with raw food.
For more information on how we can help you and your pet get in touch!


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